In fact, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer can be found in many of the products around us. For instance, it is commonly employed in shoes and toys as well as life-improving medical devices. It is often used by people because it has good strength and ductility. Due to this the plastic is moldable and it can be used for a variety of things.
EVA copolymer,also called Ethylene vinyl acetateEthene/acetic acid ethenyl ester,is a very general material and is often used as rubbers. The sole is usually made of a softer material which makes walking comfortable. They are made out of a soft material and add cushioning to keep our feet from being sore. It is having a very good grip, which is necessary. This grip means that slipping over and falling on your face are less likely, which can only be a good thing with sharp or slippery surfaces.
Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer is also useful in the production of children's toys. You can safely give this to children, that is why it is one of the best materials for toys young children would be playing with. It is good for parents that your kid can play with toys of this material. Additionally, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer can be molded into fun shapes as well making them ideal for making toys which are safe and at the same time brings much joy to kids.
In addition to shoes and toys, EVA copolymers are also used in medical devices. Example of this are the making IV bags, tubes. The substance is durable and elastic, which make it an optimal storage for all liquid. It is simple to clean and sterilize as well, which can be a life-saver when working in medical environments where everything needs to remain hygienic for patients.
Yican was given 3A enterprise-credit system certification. Yican built its system on the traditional sales model, has developed an online platform that beyond time, space, and size limitations for customers looking buy plastic raw materials via the Internet. The materials are widely used in medical, ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, food packaging, electronics mechanical engineering, electrical appliances and other fields. Our products are compliant with ROHS, PAHS, REACH, PFOS, and some are also compliant with FDA, ISO10993 and other specific requirements. We have an excellent process of managing our service prior to, during and after sale to give customers 100% satisfaction security.
Компанията обслужва над 1000 клиенти в 23 различни страни по света, включително Русия, Турция, Испания, Индонезия, Виетнам, Канада, Бразилия и т.н. Потвърждение на доверието на нашите клиенти. Ние {keyword}} продължихме да поддържаме нашите клиенти като работим за доставка на резервоари с най-високо качество.
Yian Special Plastic (Hong Kong) Limited a professional plastic raw material distributor working this ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer for more 15 years. We mainly distribute following brands including DowDuPont's Chemical, LG Chemical, ExxonMobil, BASF, Chimei, Sabic, Sinopec, Lotte, Sichem so on. We are the agent for Wenhua Chemical, Hengli (Kanhai New Material), Shenma Group, ZYPEEK, Wrote, Fluon, Hao Ran Special Plastics other major chemical companies.
Yian Special Plastic (Hong Kong) Limited been a plastic raw material supplier more than 20 years. The headquarters of Yian Special Plastic (Hong Kong) Limited is located in Wuxi. The subsidiaries are situated in Suzhou and Dongguan. Yian has a wide range of high-quality, rich downstream and upstream resources at both homes abroad, supplying you with the industry's ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer quality high-performance plastics.